
Item 1:Understand template type deduction


template<typename T> 
void f(const T& param); 

int expr = 0;

解释一下param typeparam最后的类型

下面就围绕T, expr, param type展开讨论:

(1)Case 1:ParamType is a Reference or Pointer, but not a Universal Reference

param type引用或者指针类型时,它的推断遵从两个原则

  1. 忽略exprparam type包含的部分得到T
  2. Tparam type配对的到param
template<typename T> void f(T& param);       // param is a reference

int x = 27;             // x is an int 
const int cx = x;       // cx is a const int 
const int& rx = x;      // rx is a reference to x as a const int

f(x);     // T is int, param's type is int&
f(cx);    // T is const int,                     
        // param's type is const int&
f(rx);    // T is const int,                     
        // param's type is const int&

template<typename T> void f(const T& param);  // param is now a ref-to-const
int x = 27;              // as before 
const int cx = x;        // as before 
const int& rx = x;       // as before
f(x);     // T is int, param's type is const int&
f(cx);     // T is int, param's type is const int&
f(rx);     // T is int, param's type is const int&

template<typename T> void f(T* param);        
// param is now a pointer
int x = 27;                 // as before 
const int *px = &x;         // px is a ptr to x as a const int
f(&x);    // T is int, param's type is int*
f(px);  // T is const int,               
        // param's type is const int*

(2)Case 2: ParamType is a Universal Reference

当考虑全局引用(universal reference, T&&)的时候,情况会变得有些不一样。他遵循两个原则:

  1. 如果expr是左值,T和param都被推为左值引用(不管有没有统统加上引用符)
  2. 如果是右值,T不变,param加上&&。
template<typename T> void f(T&& param);       // param is now a universal reference
int x = 27;              // as before 
const int cx = x;        // as before 
const int& rx = x;       // as before
f(x);                   // x is lvalue, so T is int&, 
                        // param's type is also int&
f(cx);                  // cx is lvalue, so T is const int&,   
                        // param's type is also const int&
f(rx);                  // rx is lvalue, so T is const int&,   
                        // param's type is also const int&
f(27);                  // 27 is rvalue, so T is int,           
                        // param's type is therefore int&&

(3)case3: ParamType is Neither a Pointer nor a Reference


template<typename T> void 
f(T param);         // param is now passed by value
  • 如果expr是引用,忽略引用的部分
  • 如果忽略引用后,exprconst类型或volatile类型,忽略。
int x = 27;          // as before 
const int cx = x;    // as before 
const int& rx = x;   // as before
f(x);                // T's and param's types are both int
f(cx);               // T's and param's types are again both int
f(rx);               // T's and param's types are still both int


template<typename T> void f(T param);         
// param is still passed by value
const char* const ptr ="Fun with pointers";  
// ptr is const pointer to const object  
// pass arg of type const char * const
const int theAnswer = 42;

auto x = theAnswer;
auto y = &theAnswer; // const int* 取引用相当于转成了指针



template<typename T> void f(T param);      // template with by-value parameter
const char name[] = "J. P. Briggs";  // name's type is const char[13]

f(name); // name is array, but T deduced as const char*


template<typename T>
void f(T& param);
f(name);  //deduce to const char[13]

根据原则:忽略paramtype包含的部分T,T加上包含的部分得到param。在这个例子中T被推导为const char[13]param则被推导为const char(&)[13]

如果改为T&&,根据原则:统统推导为左值引用。则Tparam都被推为const char(&)[13]


template<typename T, std::size_t N>                
constexpr std::size_t arraySize(T (&)[N]) noexcept 
    return N; 


int keyVals[] = { 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 22, 35 };      // keyVals has 7 elements
int mappedVals[arraySize(keyVals)];


void someFunc(int, double);  // someFunc is a function;
                             // type is void(int, double)
template<typename T> void f1(T param);     // in f1, param passed by value
template<typename T> void f2(T& param);    // in f2, param passed by ref
f1(someFunc);               // param deduced as ptr-to-func;
                            // type is void (*)(int, double)
f2(someFunc);               // param deduced as ref-to-func;
                            // type is void (&)(int, double)

Item 2:Understand auto type deduction.


(1) 参数类型为指针或引用,但不是universal reference

int x=7;
auto& rx = x; //rx is int &
int& z = x;
const auto& rx = z; // rx is const int&

(2)参数类型为universal reference

auto x = 7;
const int cx = 7;
auto &&uref1 = x;  // uref1的类型为int &
auto &&uref2 = cx; // uref2的类型为const int &
auto &&uref3 = 27; // uref3的类型为int &&


auto x = 7; // x is int
const int& y=10;
auto rx = y; // rx is int

Tips: 我们在使用for-auto语句时,以下两种情况完全不同,一个可以改变原有的值一个不能。原因就是auto&x推断为 int&

for(auto x:nums)
for(auto& x:nums)

(4) 数组和函数

const char name[] = [...]           // name's type is const char[13]  "R. N. Briggs";
auto arr1 = name;              // arr1's type is const char*
auto& arr2 = name;             // arr2's type is const char (&)[13]
void someFunc(int, double);       // someFunc is a function;
                                // type is void(int, double)
auto func1 = someFunc;            // func1's type is
                                // void (*)(int, double)
auto& func2 = someFunc;           // func2's type is 
                                // void (&)(int, double)



auto x1 = 27; 
auto x2(27); 
auto x3 = { 27 }; 
auto x4{ 27 };

前两个会被推导为int类型,后两个则是std::initial izer_list。这是因为当auto遇到花括号时会做自动转化,因此,以下情况是不允许的:

auto x5 = { 1, 2, 3.0 };   // error!


auto x = { 11, 23, 9 };   // x's type is std::initializer_list<int>
template<typename T>     
f({ 11, 23, 9 });         // error! can't deduce type for T


template<typename T> void f(std::initializer_list<T> initList);
f({ 11, 23, 9 });         // T deduced as int, and initList's type is std::initializer_list<int>


auto createInitList()
    return {1,2,3};     //错误!

Item 3:Understand Decltype.


const int i = 0;           // decltype(i) is const int
bool f(const Widget& w);   // decltype(w) is const Widget& 
                            // decltype(f) is bool(const Widget&)
Widget w;                  // decltype(w) is Widget
if (f(w)) …                // decltype(f(w)) is bool
vector<int> v;             // decltype(v) is vector<int> 
if (v[0] == 0)               // decltype(v[0]) is int&


template<typename Container,typename Index>
auto AccessContainer(Container& c,Index i) -> decltype(c[i]) {
    return c[i];

到了C++14的时候就可以省略掉后面的-> decltype(c[i])了,变成下面的样子。

template<typename Container,typename Index>
auto AccessContainer(Container& c,Index i) {
    return c[i];


template<typename Container,typename Index>
decltype(auto) AccessContainer(Container& c,Index i) {
    return c[i];


const int& cw = 10;
auto autoia = cw;             //推导出的类型是int,引用和CV限制符都会忽略
decltype(auto) deautoia = cw; //const int& 保证和cw的类型一模一样


template<typename Container,typename Index>
decltype(auto) AccessContainer(const Container& c,Index i) {
    return c[i];


template<typename Container,typename Index>
decltype(auto) AccessContainer(Container&& c,Index i) {
    return c[i];


template<typename Container,typename Index>
decltype(auto) AccessContainer(Container&& c,Index i) {
    return std::forward<Container>(c)[i];

Item 4:Know how to view deduced types.





#include <typeinfo>
const int& m = 10;
std::cout << typeid(decltype(m)).name() << std::endl; //输出int


void f(const T& param) {
    using std::cout;
    using boost::typeindex::type_id_with_cvr;

    cout << "param = "
        << type_id_with_cvr<T>().pretty_name()
        << '\n';

    cout << "param = "
        << type_id_with_cvr<decltype(param)>().pretty_name()
        << '\n';
const int& m = 10;
param = int
param = int const & __ptr64